Is there a cost of living supplement?
Is there a cost of living supplement?
Library and gym fees
Can we be reimbursed for library and gym fees since these facilities are closed?
Could you speak more about how to reserve a room in the library?
Virtual Student Organization Fair
Will there be a virtual student org/activities fair in August that will give us a better idea of who to contact to begin to get involved?
How often can we expect to be in-person each week?
How often can we expect to be in-person each week?
Budget cap on loans
How do Students increase loans if they are already at the UCSF budget cap?
UCSF Housing
Will Students in UCSF housing be asked to leave?
parking and public transit
How can students get to sites with limited public transportation? What additional accommodations will there be for parking?
Food Security Program
How do I access the UCSF Food Security Program?
Mental health support
What is being done to support learners regarding mental health?