Shruti Kant, MBBS
Clinical Professor
I work clinically as an attending in the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Department at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, Mission Bay where I provide direct care to acutely ill or injured children and supervise care provided by UCSF Emergency Medicine residents and Pediatric residents. I am the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine physician lead for quality improvement in Fever and Neutropenia management and physician representative for Pediatric Sepsis management in the pediatric emergency department.
My research interests lie in quality improvement/development of clinical pathways for the pediatric emergency department such as management of fever and neutropenia, pediatric sepsis management, simulation training and just in time procedural teaching.
I am the Associate Fellowship Director for the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Program. This is a new role in which I am responsible for helping to grow the fellowship program as a combined program. I am responsible for oversight of fellow clinical activities at Mission Bay as well as ongoing teaching (e.g. developing a simulation curriculum for the fellows, bedside teaching). I oversee the pediatric emergency medicine simulation program for the UCSF Pediatric residents (including curriculum update, recruitment of instructors for the sessions, coordination with the simulation center). Finally, I coordinate ongoing education for our pediatric emergency medicine faculty (including recruiting speakers, organizing morbidity and mortality sessions, journal club sessions and procedural education). I am participating in the 2015-16 Teaching Scholars Program at UCSF to help enhance my own teaching skills, learn more about curricula design and gain skills in research in medical education particularly with respect to simulation and just in time procedural teaching.
I work clinically as an attending in the Pediatric Emergency Medicine Department at UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital, Mission Bay where I provide direct care to acutely ill or injured children and supervise care provided by UCSF Emergency Medicine residents and Pediatric residents. I am the Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine physician lead for quality improvement in Fever and Neutropenia management and physician representative for Pediatric Sepsis management in the pediatric emergency department.
My research interests lie in quality improvement/development of clinical pathways for the pediatric emergency department such as management of fever and neutropenia, pediatric sepsis management, simulation training and just in time procedural teaching.
I am the Associate Fellowship Director for the UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship Program. This is a new role in which I am responsible for helping to grow the fellowship program as a combined program. I am responsible for oversight of fellow clinical activities at Mission Bay as well as ongoing teaching (e.g. developing a simulation curriculum for the fellows, bedside teaching). I oversee the pediatric emergency medicine simulation program for the UCSF Pediatric residents (including curriculum update, recruitment of instructors for the sessions, coordination with the simulation center). Finally, I coordinate ongoing education for our pediatric emergency medicine faculty (including recruiting speakers, organizing morbidity and mortality sessions, journal club sessions and procedural education). I am participating in the 2015-16 Teaching Scholars Program at UCSF to help enhance my own teaching skills, learn more about curricula design and gain skills in research in medical education particularly with respect to simulation and just in time procedural teaching.