Jaekyu Shin, PharmD, MS
Clinical activities:
I provide clinical services at the Pharmacist Care Care Clinic in the Family Health Center at San Francisco General Hospital. This clinic is a referral-based clinic to help resolve various pharmacy issues (e.g., medication reconciliation, adherence, education, access, and dose titration).
Research interests:
I have two main research interests: pharmacy education and cardiovascular therapeutics. In pharmacy education, my research focuses on the generation and implementation of evidence-based practice in pharmacy education including assessment practice. In cardiovascular therapeutics, I am interested in utilizing large databases to conduct pharmacoepidemiology studies for comparative effectiveness/safety studies. In addition, I have been collaborating with other investigators to implement pharmacogenetics testing in clinical practice.
Educational pursuits:
I am Director of Cardiovascular Sciences & Therapeutics, a 1st year pharmacy student course. I also serve as a co-preceptor of Cardiology Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) and Ambulatory Care APPE. I am a co-chair of the Assessment Team in UCSF School of Pharmacy and a member of the Academy of Medical Educators.
I provide clinical services at the Pharmacist Care Care Clinic in the Family Health Center at San Francisco General Hospital. This clinic is a referral-based clinic to help resolve various pharmacy issues (e.g., medication reconciliation, adherence, education, access, and dose titration).
Research interests:
I have two main research interests: pharmacy education and cardiovascular therapeutics. In pharmacy education, my research focuses on the generation and implementation of evidence-based practice in pharmacy education including assessment practice. In cardiovascular therapeutics, I am interested in utilizing large databases to conduct pharmacoepidemiology studies for comparative effectiveness/safety studies. In addition, I have been collaborating with other investigators to implement pharmacogenetics testing in clinical practice.
Educational pursuits:
I am Director of Cardiovascular Sciences & Therapeutics, a 1st year pharmacy student course. I also serve as a co-preceptor of Cardiology Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE) and Ambulatory Care APPE. I am a co-chair of the Assessment Team in UCSF School of Pharmacy and a member of the Academy of Medical Educators.