Etiquette for requesting letters
What happens if we are not approved for an away rotation? What is proper etiquette for getting letters from away rotations?
We do expect that there will likely be a reduced number of away rotations. However, all of the specialty directors will be aware of this because they are involved in the national conversation that is occurring about away rotations.
As for asking for letters of recommendation, the etiquette remains the same as with any other year. At the exit of your away rotations, ask if they would be willing to write a letter of recommendation. Also consider asking attendings on your F2 rotations. Even if you ask, you don’t have to use it. The only way someone will know if you didn’t use their letter is if you apply at their own institution.
Be explicit about your intention to learn and perform well and at some point you ask for a letter of recommendation. Take a look at the career advising website for tips on etiquette.
In many specialties, the department letter is a part of your residency application packet, so you need to be in contact with your specialty advisor to determine the process for this department letter. Also please remember if you are applying in a field that requires a Prelim year, you will likely need a Department Letter from the Prelim advisor for your separate Prelim application.. Information about each specialty can be found on the Career Advising website. Visit: