Class of 2022 Travel over winter break
If I am in the class of 2022 and I travel outside of the bay area/fresno over break, what should I do when I return?
- You "Are Periodically On Site” according to the UCSF Health Classification
- As both Intro to Career Launch and Designing and Conducting Research will be remote, if you plan on returning to campus during that time or after then for a non-clinical activity you will need to be back in the Bay Area approximately 10 days prior to the start of that activity.
- You will then be able choose the option of a 7-day self-quarantine followed by a COVID PCR test or a 14-day quarantine period without requiring a test; the code to request a test may be obtained at the COVID Testing Page.
- For those who have a clerkship scheduled starting January 2021, and for those who are returning only for their first Career Launch clinical rotation please follow instructions for the classes of 2021/2023.
Updated Date
December 04, 2020