Students essential

If students are considered essential, how are you supporting students’ food, financial needs, and parking that staff receive?


The designation of students as essential refers to the fact that all medical students are essential members of the health care team during their clinical rotations. It does not indicate that you are medical staff but rather students in advanced stages of training. Medical students always provide support to patient care activities while they are learning—that is the model of medical education. During the COVD-19 crisis, this designation enables our students to continue their medical education in clinical settings and advance toward graduation.

  •  Food: Hospital cafeterias and food courts are still open. With the closure of the Medical Student Center, our Food Security Program is being managed electronically. Please email [email protected] to request a food care package.
  • Transportation/Parking: If you are driving to Parnassus, the Parnassus parking lot is still free. We understand that students participating clinically during the Shelter in Place directive have a reduction in public transportation options. We are looking into alternatives to try to reimburse you for LYFT and Uber rides. While we work with campus to determine this possibility, if you have emergency financial needs, please contact DQ Tran-Taylor.
Updated Date
May 15, 2020