With the changes, to clerkships because of COVID, will I miss valuable clinical learning activities that will make me a great doctor?

With the changes to clerkships because of COVID, will I miss valuable clinical learning activities that will make me a great doctor?


Please know that any decision your deans and clerkship directors make are based on ensuring these two key priorities 1) our students will develop the skills they need to be a great doctor. 2) our students will develop the skills they need to to be prepared for internship.
We are modifying the existing Foundations 2/Career Launch curriculum to satisfy both of these goals. In regards to your core clerkships, it is important to recognize that it is not the length of the time on the clerkship that determines your competency. We will ensure that you have the educational experiences needed to be a great doctor and meet our milestones. In regards to your Sub-Is to help you prepare for residency, we will be working closely with your specialty advisors and Co-Directors of the Career Advising Program, Heather Whelan and Brent Kobashi, to make sure that you get the experiences you need to meet your career goals.

Updated Date
July 13, 2020