Research & Academia

Breast Oncology Program Seminar: Ana Ruiz Saenz, PhD

Wednesday, April 03 at 8:30 am - 10:00 am Add to Calendar 2024-04-03 08:30:00 2024-04-03 10:00:00 Breast Oncology Program Seminar: Ana Ruiz Saenz, PhD Unmasking cancer cells to maximize the impact of HER2-targeting therapies Please RSVP to [email protected] if attending in person. There is no guard located in this controlled building. If you come late you will need a cell number to be let in. We will be ording catering based on number indicating they will attend in person. 2340 Sutter Street , Lurie Room San Francisco, CA 94115 United States View on Map Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center [email protected] America/Los_Angeles public

2340 Sutter Street
, Lurie Room
San Francisco, CA 94115
United States

View on Map

Unmasking cancer cells to maximize the impact of HER2-targeting therapies

Please RSVP to [email protected] if attending in person. There is no guard located in this controlled building. If you come late you will need a cell number to be let in. We will be ording catering based on number indicating they will attend in person.
