Advanced Educator Development

The Center for Faculty Educators offers these opportunities for faculty to develop skills in education research:
Teaching Scholars Program (TSP)
The Teaching Scholars program develops educational leaders and scholars through an intensive seminar series, mentored projects, a network of educational colleagues, and collaborative learning.
Health Professions Education Pathway
This introductory course in education science trains individuals from all health professions and emphasizes educator abilities to apply theory to education practice, engage in education scholarship, promote excellence in teaching, develop curriculum, translate theory and novel strategies to the learning environment, and expand knowledge in the field of health professions education.
Academy of Medical Educators Membership
Membership in the Haile T. Debas Academy of Medical Educators is an opportunity to advance the education mission of UCSF though 1) work to support the core programs of the Academy: Innovations Funding, Endowed Chairs Program, Education Scholarship Showcase, Recognition; 2) participation in dynamic interest groups to advance thinking and action, 3) community-building, all to foster an organizational culture that values education and accelerates advances in teaching and learning to improve health.
VA Fellowship in Health Professions Education Evaluation and Research
The goal of the fellowship program is to develop experts to advance healthcare education through practice, inquiry and improvement, with a special focus on program evaluation and educational research, through two years of formal training and mentoring in educational scholarship with a focus on projects within the San Francisco VA (SFVA).
MA in Education at UC Berkeley
UCSF has a collaborative relationship with the University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley School of Education to offer a Master of Arts in Education to prepare individuals in the research methodologies needed to undertake research studies in health professions education.
PhD in Health Professions Education
This collaboration with Utrecht University Medical Center (UMC Utrecht) makes possible a rigorous program for scholarly advancement for medical education researchers.